Posted by: clem0613 | March 6, 2011

Moodle Installed

Check out my Moodle!

Here are the steps I followed to successfully install Moodle:

First, I downloaded Moodle from

After downloading this, I uncompressed the files and tried to place them in my /var/www folder, which is where apache looks for it’s files.  However, I kept running into permission errors.  For some reason it wouldn’t let me add the moodle folder into this folder.  Eventually, I entered gksudo nautilus (in the terminal) to add the folder in /var/www, as a root user in Nautilus.  Not sure if this was the correct way to do this, but it worked.

Next, I had to create a database for Moodle, which I did following the directions on this website:

Scrolll down to where it says “Create the MySQL database.  I went in to phpMyAdmin and followed the directions, no problems.


Next, I created my moodledata folder following the directions on this same page.  During this process, I had to adjust some of the file permissions by right-clicking on the file, select properties, then permissions.

Then, I was ready to begin the Moodle install, which again, I just followed the intructions on this same site.  During the “Server Check” phase, you will need to install a few files before moving on.  Once the server check was complete, the moodle installation is confirmed and then you can begin using Moodle!

Not sure if I’ve done this correctly, so please let me know if you find any errors.




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